example texts:
1. A well-written popular text:
Below you can find a well-written text processed by the De-Jargonizer. The text is intended for general intermediate to advanced readers, followed by the score. The score shows common (high frequency - black), normal, (mid-frequency- orange) and rare words (jargon - red).
For each level, a percentage of the words (left) and total number of words (right), of the text are presented. This text uses only one unknown word, which readers could spot as a name, 10% normal (mid-frequency) and 90% common (high frequency) words.
2. A text requiring some adaptation for non-experts:
Author: Meital Ben-Ari
This text uses 3% jargon words, 13% normal (mid-frequency) and 84% common (high frequency) words. In this case, the writer should review the words in red and decide to either leave them, delete them or provide an explanation. For example, the writer in this case may leave withholds; they may delete proximal, which is not necessary to understand the text, and they may simplify functionally recapitulate to “repeat the functions [of adult heart cells].”